Before going to buy any chainsaw from the market, the first question which may fall you into a deep worry is- what size chainsaw do I need!
So you may have the option to effort for the highest sizes chainsaw, or you may fall in love to select one cutie small size chainsaw!
So whatever it is-give up all your high expanse capability or deep love, think practically. Which size chainsaw actually do you need?
Here I am with this article to help you fix the perfect chain size for your chainsaw.
After reading this article, you will be able to select the perfect size chainsaw, which will help you to accomplish your wood project present in your hand.
Let’s start to find out the answer- What size chainsaw do I need?
What size chainsaw do I need?
It is the only answer to the question of what size chainsaw do I need!
Basically, a chainsaw size depends on the size of the chain bar, which holds the chain in place.
You can measure your chainsaw size by measuring the chain bar length also. The size of the chain bar you will find from its user manual, or it may print on the metal blade.
However, if you do not find the length of the chain bar, you can measure it by yourself.
Measure the chain bar using metal tape. Start the measuring from the nose of the chain and finish at the base point of the chain bar (along with engine motor).
If the number you find an odd number like 14.8 inches or 13.50 inches, count it 15 inches or 14 inches, etc.
A general guideline is establishing the fact that you have to buy chainsaw at a minimum 2 inches longer than the thickness of the wood you are demanding to cut.
So, therefore, if you have decided to cut a wood branch or wood log at a thickness of 10 inches, you have to buy your chainsaw minimum of 12 inches. A 12 inches chainsaw will effectively cut 10 inches thickness wood pieces.
Besides this, you have to measure the engine power or capacity before you choose a chainsaw. The engine power is directly interlinked with the chain guide bar.
That is, the longer the guide bar presents into your chainsaw, the more powerful chainsaw you must have to buy.
In contrast with this, the smaller the guide bar, the mess the motor power or engine power.
Recommended size for wood cutting Chainsaw

Are you confused about the wood size you are going to cut?
So here we are demonstrating some specific cutting size which will help you to fix which chainsaw actually you need.
Types of wood cutting | Recommended chainsaw size |
Trimming | less than 16″ |
Pruning limbs | 6″ to 10″ |
Removing branches | 8″to 12″ |
Felling small trees | 12″ to 14″ |
Felling medium trees | 16″ to 18″ |
Light firewood cutting | 14″ to 16″ |
Medium firewood cutting | 16″ to 18″ |
Bucking | 18″ or larger |
Felling large trees | 20″ and larger |
Table-1: Recommended chainsaw measuring with particular wood cutting.
Factors impacting the size of your chainsaw
Some factors are related to the size of your chainsaw. They are-
Type of wood cutting job you need to
What kind of wood cutting job do you need actually? If you want to do some light wood cutting like, trimming off any small trees or cutting a light wood for your firewood, you can use a chainsaw with a measure of 14 inches or around it.
For a medium job like the slicing of some small trees, a 15 inch to 20-inch chainsaw will enough.
If you want to do some heavy-duty job like cutting of a larger tree, select a 20-inch chainsaw or more than it.
The wood thickness you want to achieve
The size of your chainsaw deeply depends on the wood thickness you want to accomplish after your wood cutting operation.
If you want to cut 8 inches thickness wood, you will need one chainsaw with 10 inches measurements.
However, you can cut 16 inches thickness wood using an 8 inches chainsaw, but it will need a double operation from the front and backside of the tree. Also, it will need some more woodcutting experience from you.
Your height and physical strength
If you are a medium height holder, a giant chainsaw will behave terribly with you.
However, choose a medium or small chainsaw if you are not so much strong enough physically.
If you have muscular physical fitness and an extended height, you can easily handle a giant chainsaw.
Type of the chainsaw
For any home using or for any light using, you can use one electric powered or battery-powered chainsaw. They are a relatively medium chainsaw and helpful for any occasional use.
Again, if you intend to do professional woodcutting, choose one gas-powered chainsaw. Gas-powered chainsaws are run on engine power and features to give you a more substantial chain activity.
Your experience level
It is also mandatory to see your experience level using a chainsaw. If you are relatively new on a chainsaw using, choose a medium to light measure chainsaw.
As chainsaw is a dangerous tool, so avoid using any substantial or more giant chainsaw if you are a beginner of chainsaw operating.
After having some successful trial of a medium-sized chainsaw, you can go for giving a test with the giant chainsaw.
What problems may you face if you choose too large chainsaw?

You may wonder what problems may arise with a too bigger or too smaller chainsaw size.
If you have a too bigger chainsaw, you will have to face three types of problem-
At first, it will be a dangerous tool for your wood cutting operation. The weight of a giant chainsaw is also massive.
So if you are not a professional chainsaw operator, large sizes chainsaw is not intended for you.
You will be unable to efficiently handle and operate your chainsaw if it is too more prominent than your desired wood thickness.
The second point is the kickback features of any chainsaw. A relatively two or three inches bigger chainsaw size is okay, you can adjust with this size.
But when this size is hugely more prominent than the average, it will repeatedly give a kickback to you when you run the machine. So, it is a thorny issue also!
Thirdly, why you want to spend your money on garbage? If you are unable to cut your wood using a bigger chainsaw, it like garbage then, Isn’t it?
So don’t waste your money to make your chainsaw burden for you.
What problems may you face if you choose too smaller chainsaw?

The first thing is that if you buy a 10 inches chainsaw when you need a 20 inches wood piece, surprisingly, you can cut this wood with this chainsaw and can get precisely 20 inches wood diameter.
How is it? Let’s see-
Run your chainsaw on the front side of the wood and half of the total thickness of this wood. Once you have cut half dia of this wood, then go on the opposite side and cut the other diameter.
So a smaller chainsaw can cut wood at a double of its sizes. But the fact is, it will take a dual fuel and second process time from you.
So do you want to waste your money on engine fuel? Or do you have so much free time so that you can spend your time without any worthwhile cause?
If, after two cutting operations from the front and backside of your wood still properly cannot cut the wood, if even some wood is remaining to uncut in the center of the wood, that means your chainsaw is unworthy to cut this thickness wood.
A wood diameter, more than the double size of the chainsaw, cannot cut by this chainsaw completely.
So at first, make some list which type of wood thickness you need. According to the list, you can choose your chainsaw.
If you need to cut any smaller wood log or more modest tree trimming, you can buy one smaller chainsaw.
If you are going to cut any more massive wood or more significant trees, you will need one more giant chainsaw.
In the middle between two of these, you can buy one average size chainsaw to complete your wood present on your hand.
Final verdict
It is imperative to select a chainsaw which contains a perfect measurement for you. A chainsaw too smaller or too larger will not fill up any of your wood cutting requirements; instead of this, it will create some dangerous hassles for you.
Anyways, think twice which chainsaw you are looking to cut any fixed diameter’s wood.
For being more perfectionists, calculate the wood diameter you want to cut and select your chainsaw 2 inches more significant than the result.
If you think I have missed any vital info in my article- what size chainsaw do I need, please feel free to share any of your suggestions into our comment box.
I am waiting for your valuable opinion.
Thank you so much.