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How to Make Bevel Cuts on a Table Saw?

How to Make Bevel Cuts on a Table Saw?

You have planned to make a table. Creating a table with angled edges and leg joints requires something more. What is that? Well, you need to have a bit of carpentry experience and skill.

You should know how to calculate the angle and adjust your table saw accordingly. It is not as complicated as it sounds. Just relax! Sooner your desired table will be ready.

But before that, if you have tried several times to make a bevel cut on the table saw. Each time the angle was different, or it ended up so that it didn’t match the fittings with the paired edge. Don’t worry; this article will guide you below.

Why a table saw for bevel cuts?

There are so many varieties of angle cutting tools in woodwork that you got puzzled. It will help if you prefer the table saw over other angle-cutting carpentry tools because it is power-operated.

Secondly, it can reduce a wide range of wood sizes from small pieces to big wooden sheets. In addition to this, it can make both types of cuts. These can be straight and angled.

As far as angled cuts are concerned. They can be miter or bevel cuts. Though the difference is minute, we usually refer to cuts along the edges as bevel cuts. The miter cuts are the ones traditionally used in photo frames.

Now let us keep our focus on the angle measurement and cutting. There are various methods for determining the desired angle. Usually, we use the following tools and gears.

How to Make Bevel Cuts on a Table Saw?

Yes! An angle is marked on the wooden piece:

Most angles used for cutting are at forty-five degrees. But this is not a hard and fast rule. You can increase or decrease them as you wish.

Suppose you want to mark angles at 45 degrees. Put your plank longitudinally. Mark the point where you want to cut. Now place your tape measure at the site of the cutting angle.

So, now calculate the angle at the long end of the miter gauge and coordinate with the combination square. Now draw the cutting line. This is the marking for a 45-degree cut.

Now we come to make markings for angles different from the conventional 45 degrees. Take a sliding bevel gauge. You have to lock the inside and outside edges of the board with the handle and blade. Once you locate the desired angle on the gauge, mark it with the help of a thick pencil.

Setting the table saw blade on your desired angle:

The marking on the wood at the desired angle was a crucial step. But now, you are in the final phase. You have to recheck your markings and make sure your inside and outside readings are coherent with the cutting angle. You can use a simple protector for this job. Or any available tool discussed above.

Preparations of the wooden piece:

You have to make sure that your wooden piece is in the perfect condition for a bevel cut. You are wondering what it is? Well, the plank should be perfectly flat. It should be square and parallel.

Remember, the end opposite of the bevel cut should be completely square. If you find any difference, you can check it by standing upright. A slight tilt in this edge will affect the angle on the opposite side too.

So, now as you have reviewed, your opposite end is square and marked the angle, now comes the plank’s positioning on the saw table.

Position of the bevel:

This is very significant. Always position your bevel in a position that its edge rises above the saw blade. So, a left tilt saw where the fence is towards the right of the saw blade. This alignment will ensure smooth cutting of the bevel.

However, if you put a right tilt saw where you put the fence on the left of the blade, the result is rough cuts or wood burning. So, always keep the blade parallel as an unparalleled setting can destroy the bevel.

Similarly, you can expect a kickback at any time, so what would you do?

Use a feather board! 

So, if you are expecting a lift-up of the bevel or an unfortunate kickback of the beveled piece, What would you do?

You will place a feather board on your central part. This will also help you to place your fingers directly in line with the blade. Now set your saw table blade.

Positioning the blade and cutting:

You have to tilt the blade with the help of a button controlling its angle. Adjust it with the use of an angle reading meter.

In case you need to adjust your angle, you can use a simple bevel gauge. It sticks to it. Adjust it, your needed angel. Place the saw blade on your making. It should be parallel to it. You may use a drafting angle before final cutting.

Now plug in your blade and cut. Hopefully, the results are what you wanted! Check it. You can keep marking the bevel markings and enjoy the bevel cuts with the table saw blade!


Carpentry jobs are more than half about making angled cuttings. And it is not the end of the story. The satisfaction and gratification come when you end up making a perfect joint.

You have to make accurate calculations and markings as if it is not cut correctly in the first go. It becomes tedious to correct it afterward. So proper homework is essential.

The second take-home message is table saw provides a limited range of angles; if your scope is beyond that, then you have to learn to place your plank in the right position for a perfect angle. Many things will come with reading this tutorial, but more so will be gained by doing them practically!!

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